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What is coaching?
The field of coaching combines diverse approaches from psychology, adult learning and development, neuroscience, philosophy, and change theory to offer a process by which clients can learn to live into their fullest potential. Coaching provides a proven framework and process to navigate change—whether that change is internally desired (for example, a client seeking support in elevating their communication skills at work) or externally foisted (for example, a client in the midst of life transition such as graduation, career change, or loss).
A coach helps you articulate your present context and desired future; uncover blindspots and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back; plan, execute, and iterate actionable steps toward your goal; and integrate your learning for sustainable shifts in being as you move into your future.
My own style of coaching pays particular attention to the personal narratives that subconsciously frame our human experience, drawing attention to those stories which no longer serve us and rewriting our lives from a place of intentional choice.
What kind of clients do you work with?
The only requirements of a potential coaching client are the willingness to dig deep and reflect, and the dedication to engaging wholly with the process. Age, experience, industry—these types of contextual details will inform our direction and goal for coaching, but do not delineate between a "right" or "wrong" client type. Coaching is relational in nature, and the most important quality to look for in a coaching relationship is a sense of innate trust and connection.
I am particularly passionate about coaching people who want to rediscover or enrich their innate creativity; people at the precipice or in the midst of major life transitions; those who think and process divergently who want to optimize their inborn strengths for greater impact; historically marginalized and underrepresented groups whose voices have long been ignored or silenced; clients seeking to break free of difficult past experiences and redefine their identities; and emerging leaders searching for their place and purpose in the world.
What does a typical coaching engagement look like?
Coaching packages are individually constructed to meet the unique needs of each client.
The majority of my clients commit to 60-minute coaching sessions every other week for a duration of six-months. For some, it may be beneficial to seek feedback or input from a close circle of colleagues and peers to uncover blindspots, narrow the focus of coaching issues, and measure progress. Assessments may also be provided in service of gaining awareness of strengths and natural inclinations.
While some clients may choose to extend the engagement beyond the initial six-months, there is always an endpoint to our work together. Truly effective coaching ultimately empowers the client with tools and awareness to take up the yoke and continue living and telling their story on their own.
Still curious? Let's connect.
“We begin to find and become ourselves when we notice how we are already found, already truly, entirely, wildly, messily, marvelously who we were born to be.”
~Anne Lamott